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Freshman 15: 15 songs getting me through fall semester

Full truth: College is a lot. As a kid that has never been away from home for more than five days, I desperately crave to be in my nice cozy home with my nice cozy family. On top of being homesick, COVID-19 has made it so my life is not even close to being as cool as Animal House, and I think that is what hurts the most right now. 

Things will get better over time, but right now I have been drowning myself in music: while I write, while I work on assignments, when I get ready and even while I sleep. 

Over the last month and a half that I have spent on campus, I have created a list of the top 15 songs that have been making my life a little easier and will hopefully help out any other college student or any other person who just feels lost and alone in the crazy year of 2020.

“Even Though I’m Leaving” — Luke Combs

For the past year, my mom has really gotten into country music (barf), but whenever this song plays I get chills up and down my spine. 

Being away from my family is really tough and this song captures the idea that even though they are not here with me for the next chapter of my life doesn’t mean they stopped caring; they will always be with me in the good and bad because we are a family. I just really like this song and everything it stands for. The lyrics are emotional and Luke Combs has a super cool voice.

“I Guess It’s Time to Grow Up” — The Aftergreens

A little local music never killed anyone, right? One of my favorite local bands is The Aftergreens and their surf punk rock sound. When I saw them live and bought their record, “A Little Sad….but Kinda Rad,” I didn’t think too much of this song, but now that I am here and in their shoes, I get it.

Everyone around me is trying to be all serious because they are big ol’ college students and you can’t help but think about your silly personality and about changing it. The reason this song made the list is that it makes me feel better that I am not the only one feeling like this and I shouldn’t have to change my whole personality to be an adult, nobody should.

“The Wind Cries Mary” — Jimi Hendrix

“The Wind Cries Mary” really reminds me of my dad, who is one of my heroes. He is the silliest, smartest and greatest person I know and when I hear this song I just think of him. He has such an original way of looking at the world and everything in it. It reminds me that even in hard times I need to be like him and find the best in the smallest things. The song itself is also something so amazing that you just get pulled in by Hendrix’s voice and that guitar lick and everything else around you just seems to disappear and melt away.

“Dreaming” — Blondie

We all have a list of goals/dreams we wish to accomplish in our lifetime, but when the goings get rough, sometimes those ideas get lost and forgotten. 

When listening to “Dreaming,” I remember why I am here at college and what I am working for. It is a real confidence booster and makes me feel like I can do anything I set my mind to. I mean look at Blondie: Debbie Harry didn’t become Blondie overnight; it took time, commitment and, I bet you money, at one point it took a dream.

“My Little Town” — Simon and Garfunkel

Music is about feeling something, hearing something and being able to relate to and feel the lyrics. 

“My Little Town” is that song that really reminds me of my hometown and my life. It makes me feel something. I think it is meant to be a reflection of everyone’s town, family and how they grew up. 

This subject makes for a great song focus because our hometown may be the only thing we know, but the second we are out of that town, we realize that there are so many other great things to see that might make this little town look like crap. Life is full of adventures and the sooner homebodies like me realize this, the better and more exciting our lives will be. 

This song also gets bonus points for having bone-chilling lyrics such as, “Twitching like a finger on a trigger of a gun.” If you didn’t just shiver a little, you’re lying to yourself.

“Emotions and Math” — Margaret Glaspy

Little Margaret here could not have pinpointed college life any better than she does in her song “Emotions and Math.” The bridge of the song is, “I’m a woman acting like a kid.” 

I have had so many emotions that didn’t necessarily have to do with math, but other classes like writing and criminology. To cope with those emotions, I did what any of us sensible college kids would have done,:I threw a fit. 

It is almost a little embarrassing to be acting like that, but it makes me feel better that I am not the only one who is stuck in the middle of trying to act like an adult while also feeling the urge to curl up in a ball and act like a 3-year-old.

“How Lucky am I” — The Lemon Twigs

Although it sucks to be a student right now, it really blows my mind that I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to be attending a school that is giving me everything I need to get my dream job and live my dream life. 

I think sometimes people, me included, can take things, such as education, for granted. Hearing this song is really a reality check. Things could be so much worse in everyone’s life and sometimes just looking at what you have can really help brighten up your day. This song simply reminds me of how lucky I am to be able to attend college and get an education.

“Hope” — Tenacious D

Now the D is not known for writing inspirational ballads and you are all probably very confused on how they even made this list of songs getting me through one of the toughest parts of my life. 

“Hope,” although very humorous, gets the message across that even in the midst of a nuclear holocaust, hope will find a way to shine. Keeping that in the back of your mind might just make the difference between having a really great day as opposed to a really bad one.

“Good Old Days” — Kesha and Macklemore

Ever since this song came out, I knew it was one that would be a part of my life soundtrack (we all have them, don’t lie to yourself). 

The message is so strong and eye-opening: Do not take anything for granted and live the life you want to live, especially in college. These are the days of my life; this is the turning point for all of us to make friends, make mistakes, fall in love, break hearts and get our hearts broken. Tonight is the night and we only have tonight; live it up.

“When I Get Old”— Descendants

This is another song questioning growing up and becoming boring. There are lingering questions that all college kids are probably having: Will I still be cool? Will I still be fun and silly, or will I turn into something I don’t like? This song makes me really think about who I want to be and what I want to make of myself.

“Everything Has Changed” — Best Coast

“Everything has changed. I like it this way” is the scary chorus of this song. The whole song is a build-up to the idea that sometimes changes are not so bad and you can get used to them. They might seem super stupid and scary at first, but as time progresses, you will find you don’t mind this new thing and you will learn to embrace it. I hate change, so sometimes this song makes me realize that I need to give things a chance before I put them down.

“Next Year” — Out of Sight Out of Mind

Local band alert! Out of Sight Out of Mind is another local band and this song is one that I once again had to wait about six months before I really understood. 

It is hard not to completely dwell on the past, but from year to year, I am going to be a different person; we are growing and learning new things about ourselves everyday. Sometimes we hope other people change from year to year, but that is for them to figure out, not you. I’ve learned that I need to focus on my life and on how I want to live it.

“Not for the Life of Me” — Sutton Foster from the musical“Thoroughly Modern Millie”

The point of musical theatre is to make you feel better, so we had to have at least one show tune on this list. The plot of “Thoroughly Modern Millie” is that Millie has moved to the big city and no matter how homesick she is or how bad things get, she is not going back. She is making a name for herself and starting her life. It is a good reminder to me that this is my time to make my mark even if it is super scary.

“Going Away to College” — Blink 182

Very appropriate title, don’t you think? The feeling of leaving so much behind and wondering if everything will be okay is one of the biggest monsters eating away at me. 

Perfectly spoken by lead singer Mark Hoppus, “I haven’t been this scared in a long time.” I fear that something will happen to my family at home or my friends at other schools and I will not be able to do anything about it. I really don’t think I have ever been this scared, but this song helps me confront those fears and will hopefully help me overcome them.

“Uptown Girl” — Billy Joel

Billy Joel can get me through anything…even college.