Take Back the Night Photo Essay
Josie Waldron (left) and Cait Tschida start the Take Back the Night rally at the University of Minnesota Duluth. Take Back the Night is a national movement to raise awareness about sexual and domestic violence. Thursday, Oct. 8, 2021 (Photo/Edward Schulstrom)
Julianna Fernandez poses with her sign shortly before marching around the UMD campus. Thursday, Oct. 8, 2021 (Photo/Edward Schulstrom)
Josie Waldron, Aaliyah Her and Cait Tschida before Take Back the Night begins. Thursday, Oct. 8, 2021 (Photo/Edward Schulstrom)
Safe Haven and Resource Center prepare for the march at the end of the rally. Safe Haven and Resource Center provides support for anyone who has been abused, especially women and children. Thursday, Oct. 8, 2021 (Photo/Edward Schulstrom)
Rene Goodrich raises a card bearing the name of a missing person. Rene raises awareness for missing indigenous people in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Thursday, Oct. 8, 2021 (Photo/Edward Schulstrom)
Decorated shirts hang just inside the bus hub at UMD as part of the clothesline project. The clothesline project is a way to raise awareness about sexual and domestic abuse. Thursday, Oct. 8, 2021 (Photo/Edward Schulstrom)
Led by Cait Tschida, the Take Back the Night march swings back to the bus hub after circling the UMD campus. Thursday, Oct. 8, 2021(Photo/Edward Schulstrom)
A student searches through the large selection of free pins. Various messages were displayed, from “Black Lives Matter” to pins advocating consent. Thursday, Oct. 8, 2021 (Photo/Edward Schulstrom)
Through the anonymity of The Clothesline Project, someone’s pain is displayed to the world. The Clothesline Project uses shirts decorated by abused individuals to raise awareness about assault and abuse. Thursday, Oct. 8, 2021 (Photo/Edward Schulstrom)
The lure of free cookies catches the eyes of passing students, encouraging them to join the rally. Thursday, Oct. 8, 2021 (Photo/Edward Schulstrom)
Madison Cummet proudly wears a passionately decorated jacket. The pre-rally included organizations such as Men As Peacemakers, Planned Parenthood and Safe Haven and Resource Center staffing tables with informational pamphlets. Thursday, Oct. 8, 2021 (Photo/Edward Schulstrom)
A poster advertises the Take Back the Night Rally in Kirby Student center. For information on the rally, visit takebackthenight.org or contact the Duluth Women’s Resources & Action Center. Thursday, Oct. 8, 2021 (Photo/Edward Schulstrom)