Delta Sigma Pi at the University of Minnesota- Duluth
Since its founding in 1907, Delta Sigma Pi has become one of the most recognized business fraternity in the nation for its commitment to shaping the next generation of business leaders, from its initiation in NYC to its continuation at UMD.
Delta Sigma Pi is the first Co-ed business fraternity meaning inclusive to all. They are continuously working to emphasize their belief in creating an inclusive culture by working to reduce discrimination on race, ethnicity, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability. With Duluth’s Omega Sigma Chapter, there are 305 Collegiate chapters throughout the nation that make up Delta Sigma Pi.
Photo supplied by Joltzin Flores Miranda
Morgan Blade, the President of the Omega Sigma chapter, started UMD’s involvement with Delta Sigma Pi back in 2019. The chapter was initiated December of 2021, after two years of motivation, determination, and persistence.
“I got motivated to start Delta Sigma Pi by wanting to start a group of like-minded students to better everyone through volunteer, professional, and social events. I wanted there to be a group here at UMD that did well for not only UMD but Duluth as a whole,” said Blade.
They meet every week to interact and put into practice what they are being taught in school to further their success and growth as a community. “The Purpose of Delta Sigma Pi is to better students through everyday activities in professional, volunteer, and social events, while at the same time joining a network of 300,000 plus brothers” Blade expressed.
The fraternity ensures that its purpose is fulfilled by hosting social and professional events for members and for any students interested on campus. They have hosted speakers, fundraising events and continue to work and interact with their community on campus and all around Duluth. The most recent events have included a Qdoba and March Madness fundraiser, a community service activity used to thank our professors.
On March 16 they hosted guest speaker Rob Stenburg, author and speaker from Duluth who spoke to members of this chapter on how to stand out in the interviewing process. Stenburg was the second speaker this semester. Each speaker is picked because of their journey and success in the business community, allowing the members to learn and grow to whatever stands out to them.
Photo supplied by Joltzin Flores Miranda
“The benefits of having guest speakers are learning about people's stories, understanding how business works in the "real world", and growing your network,” said President Blade.