Coffee: A College Kids Battery

At The University Minnesota-Duluth, many students find that they need a way to make it through the day with a little bit of energy, for most, a go-to is a good cup of coffee. This can be seen with the amount of people always in the Northern Shores coffee shop on campus. But where else will you find coffee lovers? UMD’s very own Coffee Club. 

“We want to create a positive influence,” Vice President Ella Dold said.  The Coffee Club is new as of fall 2022 started by Pauline Uitenboger, President, and Ella Dold, Vice President. While small, they are active around campus and Duluth, meeting bi-weekly making coffee runs around Duluth to different coffee shops. 

Before spring break, the Coffee Club hosted a movie event showing “Grease” to find new members and build a sense of community for their club. 

 People in attendance were making small talk with each other and catching up before the movie started — comradery filled the room as people made their way to their seats.  

Uitenboger, who works for The Kirby Program Board and Bulldog Beginnings said that The Coffee Club was started because  “[they] want members to experience the North Shore and create a sense of community.” The Coffee Club is one that is still growing and will be for years to come. “I look forward to continuing to meet new people and doing more coffee runs,” Dold said. 

Even if you missed the movie night showing of  “Grease”, there will be more opportunities to meet and get involved with this welcoming club. “We hope to have fundraisers with the Mud Gild and do tote bag sales to help raise money for coffee runs,” Uitenboger said. 

Coffee will be something that brings college students together for years to come, both Uitenboger and Dold said that The Coffee Club is looking for new members. “We are happy to have new people, even if they aren’t a fan of coffee,” Uitenboger said. 

For more information on The Coffee Club, they can be found on Instagram @thecoffeeclubatumd and on the campus clubs/organizations page. 

CommunityMorgan James