UMD provides for students with Champ’s Cupboard and Closet
Champ’s Closet. Photo by Zack Benz
Champ’s Cupboard is a program that offers free non-perishable food and toiletry items. Champ’s Closet is an opportunity that offers one full professional outfit per semester. The clothes are the student’s to keep. They are frequently used for internship or interview attire, according to coordinator of Champ’s Closet Dawn Moran.
“The stock changes daily, so because you were here yesterday and couldn’t find anything doesn’t mean if you come in tomorrow and find something that works for you,” Moran said.
The Cupboard and Closet are located in the Student Life Office (Kirby Plaza 245), and are available to all enrolled UMD students.
Both of these programs are in one place so that students don’t have to worry about where their next meal is or what to wear to an interview. No names are taken down at the Cupboard. The Closet however does take names and sizes taken to know what they need to restock.
To access the Cupboard, or Closet, a student just simply has to show up with a valid student ID. They will then be able to take items like pasta, canned goods and shampoo items. Also, recently added are menstrual products and a few packages of diapers. Only one full professional outfit is allowed a semester, but that doesn’t mean students have to pick it all out in one day.
Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor Laura Haffield. Photo courtesy of UMD Student Life
“[Students] could come in three different times and take a blouse one day, or pants another day,” Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor Laura Haffield said.
Also in the Closet are blazers, shoes and dress pants for both men and women.
All of the items in the Cupboard and Closet are donated.
“We get donations from alumni, faculty and staff, and community members… We are always working to gather more donations,” Moran said.
Another way that Champ’s Cupboard provides food is by giving out coupons for free meals at Superior Dining. This is a brand new initiative and is currently in the testing stage.
This idea was brought forth by UMD student David Herrera who is the sustainability director at Student Association.
“Essentially it’s an opportunity for students who are in need of a meal can go to Champ’s Cupboard and get a free swipe,” Herrera said.
Signage inside the Cupboard indicates the new coupons available to students. Photo by Heidi Stang
Hererra came up with the idea after he read an article about the Swipe Out Hunger program in the Twin Cities. He immediately started to work toward getting the same type of program at UMD and after about a year of planning, his idea became a reality on Jan. 28.
Champ’s Cupboard and Champ’s Closet is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. as long as UMD campus is open.