On-Campus resources for student well being
UMD has no shortage of resources for students, even beyond academics. Between on campus spaces and online websites, there is a multitude of help and information available to all. A few of the places and resources are well known by students. Others wait for students to hear about them and take advantage of them.
UMD Live Like a Student home image curtesy of UMD
UMD Like Like A Student (UMD LLAS)
The website helps students in a variety of financial ways. Their motto is “Live Like A Student now, so you don’t have to later.” It assists students with learning money management and beginning to build credit. Also apart of this program is the Financial Peer Mentor Program (FPMP). The FPMP about section explains how the program works. “Mentees and mentors work together for one semester on the mentee's finances. Mentors, get trained as a mentor and financial coach. Mentees, gain confidence and accountability in your finances.” According to Niki Pechinski, financial literacy educator and student success coach, FPMP is “currently looking for Fall 2019 mentors and mentees” and the entire LLAS website is “in line to receive an update.” All information remains accurate, there is just a redesign on the way. The website is free and always available online to students.
Located within the Multicultural Center is UMD Disability Resources. Photo by Madison Hunter
Disability Resources
Located within the Multicultural Center, Disability Resources is available to all students with documented or suspected disabilities.The website states this includes students who have ADHD, mental health conditions, autism spectrum disorder, acquired brain injury, physical, sensory, or learning disabilities. Additionally students not documented can be helped and may be lead in the direction of what help they need. According to the website they provide services such as, coordinating academic accommodations, a testing location for students with extended time assistive technology or additional individual needs, and coordinating with other campus services such as housing and dining to help students. They aim to guide and support students with disabilities/needs. Their full vision is to, “envision UMD to be an equitable and inclusive learning environment in which disability is understood to be an aspect of diversity and individuals with disabilities are an integral part of the University community.” Open Monday-Friday 7:45 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
Banner for UMD’s Women’s Resource and Action Center. Photo by Madison Hunter
Women’s Resource and Action Center (WRAC)
Also located inside the Multicultural Center is the Women’s Resource and Action Center. On the main webpage they have four main goals listed. To empower everyone on campus and in the community. To provide education and services to all UMD students, staff and faculty. To maintain networks with women’s organizations and services in the region. And to provide information and referral services to all at UMD. One unique option they have is two nursing parents rooms, either in the library or Kirby Student Center. Some other services they provide with these goals in mind include offering free supplies for the campus community, including menstrual products, encouraging advocacy and support, special programs such as the Clothesline Project, providing trained sexual assault advocates, collecting clothes for the Program of Promise, and collecting cell phones for women in Duluth who need an emergency line. Everyone is encouraged to reach out if in need of help. Hours vary on days, Mondays 9 A.M.-12 P.M., 2 P.M.-5 P.M., and 6 P.M.. Tuesdays from 9 A.M.- 5 P.M., Wednesdays 10 A.M.- 5:30 P.M., Thursdays 9 A.M.-9 P.M., and Friday 10 A.M.- 4 P.M..
Signs encouraging diversity and inclusivity at UMD. Photo by Madison Hunter
Counseling Services
Located in Health Services they aim to provide free, caring and confidential counseling. Appointments are encouraged but “Let’s Talk: Drop-in Counseling” is also available. They also sponsor grief counseling and the grief support group that meets every Wednesday in Kirby Student Center 301 (right across from the DC). This meeting is free and available to all students. New this year they’ve implemented an online option called, Learn to Live. This initiative is an online mental health program and based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It assists with recognizing stress, depression and social anxiety and offers psychological tools for managing these issues. Health Services is available to all UMD students. Health Services is open Monday-Wednesday 8A.M. - 4 P.M. and Thursdays 9 A.M.- 4 P.M.
Safewalk sign located near the Bus Hub. Photo by Madison Hunter
Safewalk Escort
Through UMD’s Greek Life is the service of Safewalk. Running everyday Safewalk allows students to call in and be escorted to where they need to be in and around campus. Available everyday 8 P.M. to 12 A.M.. Out of the Greek Life office Sunday - Thursday and the Bus Hub Friday/Saturday.
For information on a few other free campus resources such as the Tutoring Center, Career and Internship Services, and International Programs and Services check out this past Bark article.