WRAC to host several events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month
WRAC’s annual clothesline project is currently on display in the UMD Bus Hub. Photo by Mark Stanton
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and UMD’s Women’s Resource and Action Center is hosting several activities and events to bring awareness to the month. Two of the events will be exhibits available for viewing all month long.
First is the annual clothesline project in UMD’s Bus Hub.
Photos by Mark Stanton
The second is the “What Were You Wearing” virtual gallery. According the the homepage the exhibit, “is an art exhibit based on student-survivor descriptions of the clothes they were wearing during their sexual assault. These stories were collected from survivors by Jen Brockman and Dr. Mary Wyandt-Hiebert at the University of Arkansas in 2013.”
Other WRAC events this month include a presentation discussing how sexual violence is portrayed in the media, a presentation on relationship red flags and a movie screening event.
To cap the month off, on April 27 WRAC will host their annual self defense workshop with the UMD Police Department. COVID protocols will be in place.
For more information on any events or to get in touch with WRAC visit their website.