Letter from the Editor: Introducing The Bark's Editor-in-Chief 2019-2020
Photo by Dominic Bisogno
This is the only time of the year that it’s funny to ironically sing to Green Day and to debate whether it’s appropriate to start Halloween decorating. For most of the campus, September sparks new Bulldog beginnings and a fresh start in our personal development. This is the only time of the year that it’s funny to ironically sing to Green Day and to debate whether it’s appropriate to start Halloween decorating. For some of us, myself included, this September will be the last spent as undergrads. #LastFirstDay am I right?
Congratulations to the first-year and transfer students! The Bark welcomes you all to our campus. There is so much for you to explore and learn about yourself, UMD and the Twin Ports community.
For around 87 years, this campus has had a student news organization. Just two years ago, The Bark brand was created, and we are identifiable by our bold logo and monthly news magazines. If you haven’t already, I highly suggest you visit our website and follow us on social media to get the scoop on what’s happening around campus and Duluth.
The Bark is campus’ student-run news organization, but it serves YOU, the readers, the community members and creators of this campus. Feel free to email barkumd@d.umn.edu with any ideas, concerns, or criticisms. We want to hear what you want to see and hear about.
Traditionally, The Bark has had one editor-in-chief for each semester, but I will be serving for the full academic year. This semester I hope to include more diverse voices and content. I want to see more content that includes research done by our science departments, feature stories of and by writers, artists, and musicians on campus and include the voices of diversity. This is a publication that serves the campus, and the campus is full of unique voices. I want to make sure The Bark is committed to this effort of paying attention to the many things that happen on this campus and to give you, the reader, a platform for expression.